If you're visiting our site in October, you've probably noticed our logo has turned pink! Yes, it's Breast Cancer Awareness Month so this is my little way of building awareness in our community.

The stats on breast cancer are pretty scary, I should know. I was diagnosed on Australia Day this year. I've also lost my little sister to breast cancer and other family members have been affected.
I know firsthand the importance of early detection, so please, if you only do one thing this month, book yourself in for a Mammogram or check up. (oh, and a vaccination!)
And men, don't think this doesn't affect you - I have had a male friend diagnosed with breast cancer this year too. It's nowhere near as common, but it does happen. So get to know your body, look for any changes, and get it checked out as soon as you notice something different.
It has been incredible to discover just how many people have been affected by breast cancer since sharing my story earlier this year. I was also overwhelmed by the incredible support I was offered by the National Breast Cancer Foundation, Cancer Society, Pinc & Steel, Look Good Feel Better and so many more.
If this post helps just one person go and get check out, I will be happy.
If you'd like to make a donation to the Breast Cancer Foundation NZ, you can do so here
We'll get back to marketing now.
Have a great day